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The real-time NPI dashboard built from your email, drive, and CAD
Use ProdTrace AI to ensure your engineering, procurement, and manufacturing teams are informed of real-time design and supply chain changes across your email, PDM, and other documents.
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Built into your email

A lot of communication with suppliers and CMs happens over email. Use our Chrome extension to supercharge your email with ProdTrace

Use ProdTrace AI to automatically track the status of all your items

See relevant previous context with a supplier, like previous files exchanged, active tickets, and affected items

View the 3D CAD image and properties for items mentioned in the email

Don’t miss a supplier or design update

ProdTrace AI tracks and organizes all your supplier communication over email and identifies affected items and documents

Track all relevant supplier email communication and files exchanged across your whole team

Never miss an update that affects your design, lead time, or cost

Create tickets that pull in email context and tag relevant items, synchronized to your project management software (e.g. JIRA)

Full observability into your 
NPI program

Track all item statuses, email communication, and tasks in one place.

Immediately determine gating items and other issues

Keep your engineering and supply chain teams in sync via shared dashboards

Quickly find relevant email discussions, file version history, and tasks for a given supplier or item

Always send the right version of the file

See the latest versions of documents right inside your email

Automatic alerts on files shared via email or shared folders that have newer versions available

Files are synchronized with your CAD, PDM, and/or cloud storage (Google Drive / Sharepoint)

Attach files from ProdTrace directly in your email composer

Works with your cloud storage and CAD

Track all item statuses, email communication, and tasks in one place.

Track documents and spreadsheets that are not in your PLM

Automated import and synchronization — no need to manually move any documents over

See redlines and side-by-side diffs to see exactly what changed, and tie these changes to tickets

Keep your NPI on track with ProdTrace

Integrates seamlessly with your systems

Ingest data from your PLM, PDM and/or cloud storage with our pre-built integrations.

Eliminate costly miscommunications

Don't waste tens of thousands of dollars procuring outdated designs.

Synchronize your whole team

Save >5 hours per engineer per week with a highly collaborative system.

Ensure you never miss an update to your designs, lead times or costs